Has it been… What, 12 days?
I guess I lost myself for a bit. We’ve been so busy. Put down a large amount of basic tracks; drums and bass mainly. SO many different vibes – loud and fast, slow and quiet. Just playing around. It’s been amazing to get all this done – the start of something. But it’s even more obvious now that it really is just the beginning. There’s a long way to go!
I crawled out of the studio for a grey morning at The Blue Lagoon.
Followed by what will be a daily occurrence from now on – a walk in the neighbourhood with big headphones on, every now and again singing like a mad person.
I live by the beautiful ocean and mountains and yet, a reminiscence of my city life, I prefer to walk the villa roads, looking at houses, gardens, windows, people.
Terrible weather on this walk – not quite snow, not quite rain. Slush. Cold. Heavy storm from North East.
But it was my first walk with all the new music collected on one playlist. The virgin journey. I had to keep walking and listen through to the end, even if I would pick up a bad cold on the way.
Almost all of it is very basic and I’m still working on melodies and words for all the songs, and trying to suss out what could be the over-all “musical story” of this album.
Came home shaking but nothing an evening in the armchair by the window couldn’t fix. Working on the lyrics for a song called “Moon To Let”. A song about leaving this Earth and moving into space.