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At the beginning of the day I felt like this:

It’s always the same. The first day is long and somewhat edgy. You’re in the studio watching everyone set up and do their sound, have endless technical problems, discuss backwards and forwards, settle in and take their time. It can take forever and often nothing is recorded on the first day.

Yesterday was different, though. Now the studio is at my house so I could potter about in my own world and stay away from the technical issues; all the adjusting, examining, wiring, knob-twisting.

At 18 they were ready for me and after fiddling with my sound for a bit, we put down a song. Like it was the easiest thing in the world.
I know it’s not gonna keep being this easy but for now I’m so happy. So excited!
Now that the first day is over and we’re done with all the setup stuff, we’re ready for anything…

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